Thursday, December 2, 2004

#93 Random Ravings

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that Barry Manilow looks like Rod Stewart's wimpy cousin?  (BTW - Rod, I've always loved you, but your voice is NOT suited to standards.)


Early in November there were stories on TV news about the harvesting of the trees for Rockefeller Center and Albany's downtown.  Those stories always make me sad.  "Oh, look! A huge absolutely perfect tree!  How beautiful!  Let's kill it!" 

Once it's gone, it's gone forever. 


A few days ago a grilled cheese sandwich sold on eBay for like $20,000 because it had "the Virgin Mary" on it.  It was just a woman, young, pretty, fluffy hair, rather Spanish looking.  Why is it that whenever something appears on a building, or potato chip, or whatever, that looks even vaguely like a beardless human, it is declared to be "the Virgin Mary"?  And if it seems to have a beard, then it's Jesus?  And so many people are so eager to believe it?  I guess because if you called it "a woman" or "a man", you couldn't feel special.  Or couldn't make any money on it.  There are a few old photos in my photo storage box of people I don't recognize.  It would make as much sense ............


I found the answer to the BIG question!  The smoke detector goes HIGH, because hot smoke rises (I knew that).  The CO detector goes LOW.  CO sinks. (I wasn't sure about that.) 


I have a question about fuel cells in cars.  "They" say that the only byproduct is water.  Will there be a tank to catch the water?  How MUCH water on a 300-mile trip?  I read a article about fuel cells for cell phones, and they DO catch the water, and you do have to empty the reservoir, and it was more than a few drops.   A car is bigger.  I get the impression that it will be allowed to simply dribble out of the cars, but won't this cause dangerously wet roads?  Ice in the winter? 


Speaking of water, I read that Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the US.  What are they doing for water?  I thought there were already water wars in the southwest.  Mexico is pissed.  Shouldn't there be a moratorium on growth until they figure it out?


A woman bragged in her journal that she made the most wonderful pumpkin pie, absolutely out of this world.  Rich and creamy.  Others pleaded in comments for the recipe.  She put it in her journal.  Later commenters said they'd tried it and it was indeed the best they'd ever had.  They raved about it.  Never had any like it.  So, I went back to her recipe entry and reread it. 

It looked familiar. 

I went to the pantry and got out the can of Libby's pumpkin.  Yup.  Right there on the back of the can.  Except that the journal woman used the ready-mixed spice and Libby used the individual spices, it was word-for-word the same.  So now I wonder what canned pumpkin those commenters used.  Did no one use Libby's?  Did no one look at the recipe on the can? 

I dunno, but whenever people compliment something I feed them (rarely!  I don't pretend to cook!), I always tell them where the recipe came from. 

The comments on this woman's journal are invariably fawning.  Does she selectively delete?  Does she write comments to herself under other ids?

I guess it's becoming obvious I don't like or trust this woman.  I always have the feeling she's pulling a con.  There are a lot of things that don't add up.  I don't believe her.  I'd stop lurking around her journal except that, well, it's like a soap opera.

Oops, I should be careful saying that - although I've tried to be careful not to advertise my journal, one never knows who might find it.  She and all her friends recently tore into some slob who dared to describe her as a drama queen, and ask her if she has a job.  I prefer not tofind out how they could hurt me.  Frankly, I thought it was a reasonable question. 


My computer is at least 8 years old.  I think it was one of the first with Intel.  It has massive hard disk, but it's so slow that some websites with music will cause it to hang up, and because I use a phone line, it takes forever to download large files.  Anybody want to send me a new one?  (Anyone who recognizes "recipe lady" will know where this entreaty came from.)  Actually, I'm not ready for a new one yet.  I'm not really disgusted with this one.  What it doesn't do, I don't really need anyway. 

What IS disturbing is that after this computer was purchased, we bought a new one for Daughter, and the next year for Jay's father.  I never did find out what happened to Daughter's computer - it seemed to have disappeared with no trace, just one day she didn't have one and I know better than to press, she'll just snap at me and refuse to answer, and it's none of your business anyway, which makes me think that it was stolen, and she's being defensive - and Dad's computer was replaced two years ago.

I'd have been happy to give either of them a home. 

I'm still using this one......

I must be easily amused.


I'm worried that "conversate/conversating" is going to make it into Webster's.  The verb is "converse/conversing", people! 


Have you ever noticed that in the grocery store, product A, a blah national product, has 8 feet of shelf space, and product B, a delicious regional product, gets only 2 feet, even though product A remains untouched until product B has completely sold out - usually within two days of being put on the shelf?  And there won't be any more of B for a week, so then you are forced to buy A.

Have you ever wondered why?

Wouldn't it make sense for the grocery store to stock more of what their customers want?

I wondered, and I asked.  It turns out that the grocery stores don't stock the shelves based on what sells.  They stock them based on who buys the shelf space!  I didn't know that.  Product A actually pays the grocery store to stock 8 feet of shelf - even if it doesn't sell.  Product B, being a smaller company, can't afford a lot of shelf space.  It's a catch-22.  Product B company can't afford more shelf if they can't sell more product, and they can't sell more if they can't get the shelf space, but they can't get the shelf space if they can't sell more.  And the grocery store makes out selling shelf, so they're not as worried about selling product as they perhaps should be.  There's something wrong there. 


Daughter - the word I couldn't think of the other day was "menengioma".  Jay said his mother had "melanoma" in her spine.  I wonder if there wasn't a miscommunication somewhere, and it was actually a menengioma.  That would make a lot more sense.  Sorta like when my mother said she had "congenital heart failure".  It was actually "congestive heart failure". 


The show "Friends" is all over the dial now.  I've noticed two rather odd things.  First, all the women seem to have had breast reduction surgery somewhere along the line.  They were all very well endowed in the early episodes. 

Second, I think I've seen every episode a dozen times by now- except for one.  Back when Friends first started, I kept hearing about this great new show at work.  That was when I wasn't watching TV much (Yes, Daughter, there was a time when....).  It had been on for quite a while when I finally decided to watch.  The episode I caught that night was the one where one of the young women had been dating a guy for a few months, but was upset and embarrassed that he had not yet tried to get her into bed.  Her friends were sure there was something wrong with him, and they set out to try to get him to bed. 

I never found out how it ended because I was so horrified by the message that show was sending to their young audience that I turned it off.

That was before "Sex in the City".  Before women were appearing in offices on TV in streetwalker attire.  Before the morals of the entire country were corrupted.  We are all inured now. 

But what's really odd is that after thousands of reruns, I've never seen that particular episode again.


Comments on current fads:

What's with the striped hair?  Frosting isn't so bad.  Tipping isn't so bad.  But those heavy zebra stripes are just plain ugly.

I'm really tired of the women who've turned their lips inside out.  Some of them have gone way too far.  Their lips look like slabs of liver flapping when they talk.  I wonder if they would have done it if they knew why many men find thick lips attractive? 

Men's minds are twisted when it comes to sex (and with men, it always comes to sex).  They like breasts because the cleavage reminds them of something else.  They like the swollen lips because it reminds them of something else.  Most women probably don't mind displaying a pseudo backside on their chests, but do they really want to display a pseudo vulva on their face?

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