Sunday, July 4, 2004

#15 Do Contributions Corollate to Votes?

While I was in the bathtub I read an old news magazine and found a site you can go to, to find out who donated how much to which presidential candidates.  At FUNDRACE.ORG you're supposed to be able to search on either name or address.  So, naturally ...

Name didn't seem to work at all for me, but address was interesting.  I put in "a" for the street address, and then some interesting zip codes.  The local area folks donate small amounts - like $250 each.  But if you head down to the next (small) city south, the donations are entirely $1000 to $2000 per.  Military types donate a consistent $250 each.  Bushies almost always donate at least $1000, most give $2000, but there seem to be a lot more people donating smaller amounts to Democratic candidates. (Many of the Democratic candidates have since dropped out.)  The pattern seems pretty consistent throughout my small sample.  Republicans are getting more money, but Democrats are getting more people.  I wonder how significant this is. 

The site gives name, address, amount contributed, and to whom.  I find that scary.  (Maybe it's the military upbringing.  I wonder if all those folks at APO addresses are aware that everyone can find out who they support.) 


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