Friday, July 30, 2004

#24 Bicycle and Blueberry Day

It was 87 degrees at noon today, and humid, but I decided to RIDE! anyway.  I took along a check to deposit at the bank, in case I actually got that far.   

I forgot that moving creates a breeze, so the heat wasn't so bad after all.  I headed south for the village, but by the time I'd got to the Elks' lodge (about half way), the combination of traffic on Rte 9 and my own ineptitude were beginning to scare me, so I turned in at the side road at the Elks, and headed north on the back roads.  That was really nice.  So when I got to where I could turn right, back to the house, I kept going, up to the road where Greig Farm is.   

As I passed Greig Farm, I noticed that the blueberry bushes were heavy with ripe berries, then I came to the "pick-your-own" shed, and stopped to talk to the lady there a bit.  The berries were $1.25-ish a pound!   I really wanted to pick some berries, but without a basket or backpack, I had no way to get them home safely.  So I rode on home, then got in the van and went back to the farm.   

It was so nice in the berry fields.  Rolling hills covered with berry bushes.  Nobody else nearby.  Sound carries so well across the fields, and I could clearly hear a woman and two children about 1/4 mile away, and an older couple who argued about politics for over an hour, but I couldn't see them.  I missed Jay.  I picked 9 pounds of berries (most of which I'll freeze).  I stopped only because the thunder in the distance was getting closer, and there were a few drops of rain.   

So now I have a tired bruised bottom, blue fingernails, and frazzled hair, but I am very content.

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