Tuesday, November 2, 2004

#80 Daughter's ...uh... Nails

Daughter has contributed a scan of her hand.  No fingernails!  But the for kind of work she does, very short nails are necessary.  I kept mine trimmed short when I was on the rescue squad.

I think her larger complaint is not that they are short, but that they just don't grow, so if she ever wanted them long, it won't happen. 

The tips of her fingers are broad and flat (which I've heard indicates artistic/musical sensitivity), which means that her nails are broad and flat.  Mine are narrow and curved - the ring finger nail is a full half-circle in cross section.  I suspect that the more side-to-side curve in the top surface of the nail, the stronger they are.  Physics! 

So, daughter, it looks to me like you are doubly suited to the guitar!

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