Thursday, November 4, 2004

#85 @#$%^& AOL!

As often happens, the previous entry lost all paragraph breaks after it was saved.  I attempted to edit it, and it wouldn't go to an edit page.  Then I tried to delete it and start over, and it refused to delete.  Buncha poopy!


Postscript - so after I did this entry, I tried to edit #84 again, and this time it let me.  So then I decided to delete this entry.  AOL asked "Are you sure you want to delete this entry?", and had highlighted ALL the entries for today.  (Note that they are all under one date.)  I wasn't sure whether only #85 or all entries under this date would be deleted.  So I hit Cancel.  More poopy!

Yesterday I had occasion to consult AOL live help (chat), and I accused him "to his face" of being a machine. I was getting canned Help scripts that were keyed off keywords in my complaint, but that had nothing to do with my REAL problem - like - hey - this thing went to the spam folder, and according to your documentation, it shouldn't have.  I had to move it from the spam folder to my inbox.  That email should have been recognized as non-spam.  Answer: To look at your spam folder, blah blah.  To move mail from the spam folder to your inbox, blah, blah....  Isn't it obvious from what I said that I already know how to do that?   I was amused (yeah, that's the word) that only after I complained that "AOL lied!  You aren't alive!", I began to get real answers to my real input.  I guess "alive" is the keyword that queues the real person.

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