Sunday, March 6, 2005

#171 Flash! Egg Is Up

I stood an egg on the kitchen counter last night, on the first try, very easily, using one finger on the top of the egg - two full weeks before the equinox.  I wish I'd tried earlier.  It stood all night, then fell over when I slammed the cabinet door under it.  I've reset it twice since (I keep using that cabinet...).  It's one of those almost-round eggs, and it wasn't until after I'd set it that I discovered it was standing on the pointy end!  Amazing!

Either it's a really good egg, or I'm getting really good at this, or we're in for an amazing year - probably very interesting weather.

Next time it falls, I'll set it up on the laundry room bathroom counter, where it won't get bumped.


"They" say there's no rhyme for orange.  If the grass in my field turns orange, can I graze my cows on your range?

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