Wednesday, March 30, 2005

#178 Pardon my Absence

Yes, I haven't been here for a while.  No, I'm just fine.  It's just that it's beginning to look like Spring, and I've suddenly found all kinds of energy, and I'm busy elsewhere.  Yes, the egg is still standing on the laundry room bath counter.  The zillions of daffodils on the lower bank have benefited from the past two years of brush-clearing, and they are multiplying and growing and budding like crazy.  Basement cleaning is back on the agenda and proceeding apace.  I'm running out of space for the "go to the dump" pile.  The paper is all recycleable, but there's just so much of it....  Paper! 



Agghhh!!! Paper avalanche!!!

Jay was worse at saving paper than I am.  The north end of the basement is full of stuff he brought with him from Texas twenty years ago - and I'm finding high school and college notebooks, souvenir fliers from every place he'd ever visited, newspapers from Texas, on and on.  I haven't even attempted the south end.  That's full of boxes from when he left The Company, containing every piece of paper, every core dump, every manual that ever crossed his desk, more than twenty years' worth.

I had planned to take all this paper to the recycle center, but it's just too much.  It'll take me thirty trips with the van, and "they" will be mad at me for filling up their bins.   I'm now thinking I'll just burn it all in the fireplace.

So - don't worry if I'm "gone" for a while.  I'm just busy.

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