Friday, April 8, 2005

#181 'Nother Busy Day

Apparently there's supposed to be a lot of bad flooding around here - according to the TV news, anyway.  There was a heavy snowpack on the mountains, and then we had a sudden warm snap, and several days of warm rain on top of that.  One of the local dance instructors even broadcast an email note that if it was dangerous to drive through flooded areas, students shouldn't attempt to attend classes, and if anyone needed help, she was available.  Sounded ominous. 

I had to go to the SS office again to drop off my birth certificate and proof of marriage to Jay, so when I left there, I decided to check out some flooding.

In my travels over the past few days I hadn't seen anything untoward - the Esopus and Rondout are high and rushing, but not escaping or raging, at least not here in the lowlands.  The only "flooding" I'd seen was large standing water puddles in low areas in fields.

So I headed up into the mountains.

Nada.  Nothing unusual.

The creeks and rivers are high, encroaching on the bordering trees, but not unusually high for Spring.  The snowmelt rills down the mountainsides are no more than usual. 

I went to the Ashokan and to the falls below the spillway, and it also is high, thundering over the spillway, but where it makes the turn to go under the bridge and down the creek, it's not high enough to completely fill the basin.  So, again, high, but not unusually so.

Did I miss it?  I didn't see any evidence of earlier flood (grass and debris wrapped around tree trunks, etc.). 

I don't understand.

The visit to Ashokan was worth it anyway.  The sun was dropping, and it always looks so pretty low over the water.

After that, I went to the Red Lobster and had coconut shrimp and a whole lobster (I love the claws best, so it had to be whole).  I doggied enough shrimp, veggies, and cheese/garlic biscuit for a nice lunch tomorrow. 

That reminds me - back when I was young, we mostly heard our music on the car radio, and the speakers were usually verybad.  The result being that we often didn't completely understand the words.  For many years, I thought  "there's a bathroom on the right", (a bad moon on the rise), and that we were to put "the lion in the coconut and drink it right down...", (lime in the coconut).  I wasn't the only one that wrestled with the mental picture of trying to stuff a lion into a coconut.  The general conclusion among my friends was that it was a metaphor, like if you would actually consider putting the lion in the coconut and drinking it right down, then you could handle anything

There were more misinterpreted songs like that, but I can't think of any at the moment.  I usually am reminded when I hear the old songs on the modern car radio, and am amused or amazed at how wrong we once were.

In most cases, though, I like the wrong words better.  Sometimes, when you make the words up yourselves, they make more sense.

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