Thursday, April 28, 2005

#191 Thursday (Ignore the "Friday" Header)

Got a bunch of stuff done today.  Took some antique jewelry to the jeweler for repair, filled out and took the papers in for a passport (replacement for the lost one, so I couldn't do it by mail).  Paid bills.  Selected some tours for Hawaii.  Made hotel reservations for Ricketts Glen.

That was kind of funny.  I had talked to a nice young woman earlier in the week, who said that they don't take reservations.  First-come, first-served only.  I said that I was driving too far to arrive and find no place to sleep, so she suggested I call at 2:30 today, when the owner would be there.  She, however, was absolutely unable to take reservations and had no authority to make exceptions.

So I called the owner at 2:30 pm.  I don't remember what I said, but he laughed a lot.  Must have caught him in a good mood.  He said there were lots of other places I could get a room, and I said yes, but they don't seem to have internet sites, and I don't have phone numbers, and I can't just call directory assistance because I wouldn't have any idea where these places are.  It's not like there are any towns around there.  A "Sweetvalley" address covers a good 200 square miles.  "But I know exactly where YOU are!" 

He laughed again, and agreed to save "the big room, ok?" for me for Friday and Saturday nights. 

After we got the CC info and all taken care of, he said that they are just a small inn with only five small rooms, and four of them share bathrooms in the hall (I got the one with the private toilet and shower), and that right after they had bought the place, they had some young people rent all five rooms - and they had a big party and completely destroyed the place. 

They didn't rent rooms at all for a while, and then when they started renting again, (about 2 years ago, I think) they decided to rent only to people they could check out beforehand.  (Well, he didn't say it that way, exactly.  He said "only to dropins".)  He said after people had stayed with them once, then they could make reservations. 

As we were hanging up, I said "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm over 60, and I knit."   I could hear him roaring with laughter as the phone descended.

If I had known that screening patrons was his concern, I could have given the Blue Heron B&B ladies as references.  I'm sure they remember us fondly, and HE was the one who gave me their number, back when I was looking for a bed in 2002.

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