Sunday, September 19, 2004

#54 So Cold!

It's about 67 degrees in the house now, midafternoon, and I'm sooooo cold.  Don't tell me sweaters.  Sweaters don't keep my nose and cheeks and fingers warm.  I didn't sleep well last night because my nose was cold, and I can't sleep when my nose is cold. 

I was hoping there'd be enough sun today that the house would warm up, but it doesn't seem to be happening.  It's supposed to get into the 80s in another few days, so I've been trying to put off switching to the furnace as long as possible, because once I go to heat, there's no more air conditioning. 

The A/C is a ground-water heat pump, and the heat is an oil furnace, and they share the ducts.  Switching from one to the other involves swapping baffles in the ducts (not easy), figuring which faucet handle to turn which way to cut off the heat pump water (every time I face it, I think "I should mark this thing", and then after doing it, I think "Oh, I'll remember that next time...", and then the next time I think "I should mark...".  Not too smart.  This time, I will mark it after I trace all the pipes!  I promise!), flipping switches in the electric box, opening the oil line, switching thermostats, and reprogramming the heat thermostat.  Then I spend the next two days worrying that I got it wrong, and the basement will flood or the furnace will blow up.   Or both. 

I have decided I'd rather be too warm next week than too cold now.  I am going downstairs to switch to the furnace.  Wish me luck.

(What shall I tie on the pipe to mark it?  Hmmm.  I think I'll eat some chocolate* first while I think about this.)

*comfort food.

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