Saturday, July 2, 2005

#281 Yawn.................

I keep saying this, and it's like no one believes me:  I am writing in this thing for me.  Only me.  I am making no attempt whatsoever to make it interesting to anyone other than me.  I mean, hey, I named it after a pile of rocks! 

Daughter checks it daily to make sure I'm ok, but I don't expect even her to read everything.  (First clue - if it's  more than a screen long, RUN!)

I discovered a long time ago that if there's something kicking around in my head, simply writing it down gets rid of it.  It's like the paper (or virtual "paper") serves as secondary brain storage.  Gives a different meaning to "out of sight out of mind."  Amazing how well it works.

It's also a diary.  If I need to know when was the last time I whatevered, I can check the hardcopy and find out.

I don't care if anyone else makes the effort to read it  (and yes, it can be an effort, because it is of interest only to me).  That's not the point of it.  I'm not looking for readers, or approval, or affection, or whatever it is that many other people who do write for readers are looking for.

I am amusing myself.

So why don't I take it private?  Because you are welcome to visit my virtual kitchen anytime, but if I'm scrubbing pots at the time, I expect you to quietly sip your tea and let me continue scrubbing pots.  I'm not going to lock the door just because I'm scrubbing pots.  Anyone can visit.  If you want to be entertained, go next door.  If you're interested in how I scrub pots, stay, and welcome.  We might accidentally learn something.
I will probably not be updating for the next 10 days or so.  Arrangements have been made for Miss Thunderfoot and the lawn, perishables have been eaten, mail will be  held, valuables have been stored, comfy clothes have been hemmed, house will be boobytrapped, and I'll be off.

~~ Silk

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