Saturday, July 23, 2005

#291 Life Expectancy

I took this quiz (MSN), and got these results:  "If you continue maintaining healthy habits, you'll want to plan for a maximum life expectancy of 92 years or more."

Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 127 lbs. [I'd be happy with 135.]

The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
    1. Age
    2. Gender
    3. Diet

The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
    1. Family health
    2. Weight
    3. Smoking

[Does this mean if I lost weight and quit smoking I could make it over 100?  On the other hand, if I quit smoking and still managed to lose weight, then my stress level would shoot up, and the age estimate would drop again.]

Then I took this one (Blogthings):
  It got me 79 years.  It says I'm "average".

Judging by the questions asked, MSN might be more accurate.  Actually, I hadn't really planned on that much more time.  This could get awkward.


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