Wednesday, July 27, 2005

#295 Hairy Fish!

I just opened my dinner - the Greek salad I had bought yesterday at the diner, and - ACK! ACK!  - there are four huge strips of anchovies on it!  Big strips of stinky salty hairy fish!  Lying right on it!  Touching it!  All night!  Permeating! ACK!  ACK!

Actually, I like anchovies blended into like salad dressings and sauces, when you don't know they're there, but straight on I can't stand them.

Michaels' stuffed grape leaves are wonderful - so minty - and they use the best olives, and a homemade dressing (probably containing ground-up anchovies) - so I'll eat it and enjoy it.  And I'll remember to take the garbage out this evening, so those hairy fish get GONE!


(Yeah, I know it's not hair, it's bones, but it feels like hair in my mouth - ergo, hairy fish.)

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