Friday, October 1, 2004

#59 First Week in October

The first week in October always makes me nervous. 

It was the first week of October 1996 when Jay had his automobile accident.  It was the first week of October 1997 when Jay had back surgery.  It was the first week of October 1998 when he had his first seizure.  Somehow, we managed to get by in 1999, but in the first week of October 2000 we got the news that the tumor was "probably" growing again - by December 2000, when he lost the left side of the world, we were sure.  And it was the first week of October 2001 when he developed the final infection. 

So every year, during the first week of October, I try to stay close to home and not tempt fate.

Daughter is traveling this weekend, and I'm nervous.

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