Monday, October 4, 2004

#62 "Interesting" Food

Daughter and I were teasing her young man, while we reading the menu at dinner last evening, because he has a long list of things he won't eat, and seemingly good reasons for not eating them, like seafood (cat food), mushrooms (processed manure), onions in certain combinations (overwhelms the taste), etc. 

I was lucky - Jay literally would eat anything.  He had a long list of things he "shouldn't" eat for blood pressure and cholesterol reasons, but given the opportunity, he ate them anyway.  It was my job to limit the opportunities.  Given the way things worked out, I wish I had fed him lobster and french fries and chocolate brownies with high-fat ice cream every day.   He should have enjoyed his 49 years more, with less imposed deprivation. 

So anyway, I had mentally wandered off, thinking about Jay's likes, when I overheard the young man say to Daughter, "Cheese should not be interesting!" 

That brought my head up.  

Again, he had a good reason:  he would prefer that anything that involves bacterial and fungal processes in its manufacture not end up ... "interesting"!

Funniest thing I've heard all week.  I like this kid.

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