Friday, January 14, 2005

#111 Driveway - Last Entry, I Promise!

At last light last night (Thursday), I still had the glacier in the driveway, and the TV weathermen said it was going to get very cold very quickly - we'd already had a 10 degree drop in the last half hour.  Very discouraging.  At first light this morning (Friday), I was amazed to see clear blacktop!  I have no idea how.

I was expecting delivery of a large heavy package (a chrome and marble clothes tree, they had attempted delivery twice over the past week), and had told the delivery company (DHL?) that if they couldn't get up the drive, to leave it in the van at the bottom.  I was not looking forward to dragging the thing up the hill myself.  So I ran down and moved the van up the clear drive, and this afternoon the package was delivered to my door.  Hurrah!

However, it wasn't the clothes tree.  It was a shawl I had ordered from India. Duh?

I promise that this weekend I will get gas for the snowthrower and try starting it, and if it doesn't start, I will get it serviced early next week.


Nightline this evening did a segment on Bollywood, in particular the dance sequences.  With the Broadway Bollywood show, and with some US film folks putting Bollywood-type dance sequences in movies, I wonder how long before we see "Bolly Belly"?  The costumes are already shifting that direction.

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