Tuesday, January 25, 2005

#122 How to do Nothing

Asleep at 10 last night, up at 5:30 this morning. 

I wish I could say I had as much success with the to do list yesterday.  I got absolutely nothing done.  That's seems to be usual lately.  I have a lot of situations where A desperately needs doing, but I can't do A until I do B.  But I can't do B until I do C.  And I can't do C until I do D.  And D can't be done until I do A first.  I get awfully frustrated and end up thrashing. 

So yesterday afternoon, while sorting frustratedly through heaps of paper, I found a booklet of house floorplans I'd bought a few weeks ago.  I love looking at floorplans.  In my imagination, I can walk around in the houses.  I furnish them.  I salivate.  In my previous life I must have been a real estate agent. 

Anyway, I took the book into the bedroom to wander through some houses and decompress a little, and suddenly it was 5 pm.  I don't know what happened.  I swear I blinked only twice!  If I wanted to go to dance class, I had one hour to shower, wash and dry my hair, dress, shovel 60 cubic feet of snow from in front of the van, clear off the windshield, etc.  I couldn't decide whether to shower first, or shovel first.  Besides, it was getting dark fast, which would not make shoveling pleasant. 

I gave up.


I saw something unbelievable on TV a few days ago.  A new "hot" product -  "IPOD SOCKS".  You slip the device into this little knit tube to protect it.  They are "selling like hotcakes", at $29 each.  Here's the unbelievable part - they look exactly like someone had cut the tops off plain athletic socks, and sewed the cut end closed.  Nothing more.  For this they get $29!   I'm still reeling.

Post script - I found a picture of one.  That's it at the top.  There are more than 100 for sale now on eBay, "Buy-It-Now" prices range from $1.99 to $10.00 (BIN prices on eBay are always less than on the street).

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