Wednesday, May 11, 2005

#205 Update on my Upper Back

During the day yesterday it was not too bad, just felt like someone was pushing a knuckle into my spine.  I went to bed early (early for me, about 11:30 pm), and couldn't get to sleep until after 5 am, because no position was comfortable. 

The most comfortable position was flat on my back with my knees up, but a) I can't sleep on my back, and b) as soon as I did manage to doze off, my knees fell down, and that hurt.  (Yeah, pillow under knees is supposed to work.  I've tried that in the past, but that can be dangerous.  As soon as I fall asleep, I roll to my side, and sleeping on the side with the knees raised sideways makes things worse.)

When I woke this morning, well, ok, at noon, it was much better.  Even the knuckle was pressing more gently.  But at almost exactly 6 pm, right after I ate some yogurt and drank some (warm) iced tea, something went very wrong.  I had sharp cramping pain in my upper belly so bad that my entire body, even my fingers and toes, was trembling inside.  I broke out in a sweat.  You couldn't see the trembling on the outside, but inside it felt like there was an enormous motor spinning off-kilter.  I took 2 ordinary aspirin at 6:30, and literally within seconds, the pain went away.   Except for that knuckle, still pressing.  (I had decided that if the aspirin didn't help, I was heading for the emergency room.)

Razzelfrats!  I hate it when nerves get nasty.

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