Wednesday, May 18, 2005

#212 Wednesday - Plans for Saturday

Oops - late entry again.  I accidentally found a knitters' site with gazillions of free patterns, and the entire afternoon and evening disappeared (with an hour out for "Lost", and a steak, and leek soup).   Bedtime already.  I'll be out much of tomorrow - have to get the oil changed and other stuff.

For Saturday at the falls - long sleeves and long pants.  Layer.  Socks and sturdy shoes with grippy (not leather) soles.   Even better if they can get wet.  I'll bring some bug stuff to share, but I've been checking the weather reports for the mountain, and it's been running in the mid-50s to low 60s, 30s overnight, so I'm hoping there will be no bugs.  

I plan to park in the south lot.  Meet me there at 10 am on Saturday.  If you're not there by 11, I'm heading up from the bottom on my own.  If 10 am is a problem, you should let me know by 2 pm Friday.  Note that cell phones won't work - except maybe if you open the car door and crouch low tight into the V of the door and body.  I got it to work that way, intermittently, on the last trip.  And even though you have the hotel number, from closing Friday night until opening Saturday lunchtime, there's no one there.  I doubt that the rooms have individual phones.

To help figure your time, it's about 30 minutes from Wilkes Barre.

See you soon ....

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