I couldn't get to sleep again last night, was awake until something like 6 am (logic puzzles don't put me to sleep like crosswords do), so I didn't wake up until noon.
Called Dutchess Community College, and signed up for some noncredit classes this fall - one in building a website, and a one-day class in drumming (I should be far enough along by then, on my own, to be able to keep up).
Returned a call from Piper regarding the mideast dance show this Saturday. An intern in his office has had hip surgery, so he has to cover some meetings in Atlantic City. He may not be back in time for the show. He'll call on Friday and let me know for sure. I took the opportunity to say "...and bring a spouse, date, friend, many friends!" If he caught the hint there, it will head off any misunderstandings. To make sure, when he does call, I think I won't mention dinner.
Yesterday, I had called May and NJ and invited them, too. I told May that I would pick her up and take her "to dinner and a show", but I wouldn't tell her what kind of show, because if I did, she'd reject it offhand. NJ was interested, and will come to dinner, but the show doesn't start until 9, and that's awfully late for NJ, so she'll probably leave after dinner. There's a fair chance May will decide to have NJ take her home then.
My friends are wonderful people, but they're so darn "stuck-in-the-mud"! May is stuck in the house. It's hard to pry her out.
I had also called the Pixie and her fiance last evening, but they are going to Connecticut this weekend - it's Pixie's birthday. She hates to miss the show, but her mother wants her. So I'm having dinner with them in New Paltz this Thursday evening (uh, somewhere around here there's a slip of paper with the time on it.... Hmmm....)
Gypsy, who will be dancing in the show, has opened up a new workshop in Kingston for her costuming business, and I had to go into Kingston this afternoon anyway, so I called her and asked If I could visit and see her new space. Got me washed and dressed, and (man, am I poky!) left the house at 4. Visited Gypsy. It's a very roomy art-studio-type space, very quiet, right across the street from the post office, big parking lot, lots of light. If she doesn't get lonesome, she should be able to get a lot done there.
Then I went to uptown to locate the place where the show will be. Window shopped all around uptown, found a store with lots of nice hair clips, bought some (still looking for a silver bar, though).
I know that Hoffman House is one of May's favorite places, but she and her late husband always ate there on Friday evenings, so I wasn't sure that would be a good idea for Saturday evening. NJ said it would be fine, that May isn't sentimental. But it's a bit of a hike from the uptown parking garage to Hoffman House. Won't bother me or NJ, but a) I don't know about May, and b) if we get short on time, it would be a fast hike back to the show venue (which is near the garage). Besides, even if May isn't sentimental, I am. So I wandered around some more, looking for a likely restaurant. I found three, all on the same corner, one long block from the garage, and one block from the show. I collected cards from all three, and when I know more about who will be there, I'll pick one and make reservations.
Then I went to the Wal-Mart to buy some small plastic laundry baskets to use to take Miss Thunderfoot to Pussyfoot Lodge while I'm in Hawaii. One on top of the other makes a more comfortable carrier. You hold them together with bungee cords. Given that Thunder tried her best to tear the regular carrier apart the last time, I'm hoping the bungees hold!
Interesting discovery - Wal-Mart has the exact same drapey lycra tops and pants that I love from Coldwater Creek, but with a different label, and at about 1/5 the price! I could get five of them for what one cost at Coldwater Creek. I bought four. I didn't need "one" more. (Snork... See how much money I can save by spending?)
Wal-Mart also had Lindt truffles, too. There goes the five pounds I dropped in the past two weeks.
Then as I was pulling out of the access road, I saw Burlington across the way, and I haven't been in there in years, so I stopped there, too. More hair clips, an orange! hat, and another beautiful soft sheer lacy tasselly poncho.
Then home to salivate over Kaysar (see previous entry, #304). I normally like beards, but I don't like that funny Van Dyke thing he's got going now. I like my beards full face. Cover the cheeks.
Then, this evening, I got an email from the man from last Thursday night - let's see - I'll call him - "Roman". He will be coming Saturday night, too. So that makes May, NJ, me, and Roman for dinner, then me, Roman, and possibly but not likely May, and possibly Piper, for the dance show. I'm so glad Roman responded positively. Otherwise I could end up alone, or alone with Piper if he doesn't bring anyone, which in itself is not a bad thing, he's very nice, but I prefer to keep him at a short distance.
(BTW - I considered and then rejected "Seadog" as a nickname for Roman. Those in the know should find that a painful pun.)
And that was my day. I actually saw real people today. First time since last Thursday. And I complain that May is stuck in the house. But the difference between May and me is that if someone calls and says "Hey, let's ...", I leap in with "Yes!! Let's!! Let's what?"
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