Wednesday, August 3, 2005

#313 A Sad Story

I apologize in advance for this joke.  I include it  because I've never heard/read it before, and forgive me, it is sadly funny.  (Cringe.)

M'hammid is having his daily chat and coffee with his friend, Rachid.  One topic leads to another and he gets his wallet out and shows his friend a photo of a young man.  "My eldest son, Hadj.  He is a martyr."

Rachid softly replies "Hamdulilah."

M'hammid shows a second photo of another young man.  "My youngest, Ahmed.  Also a martyr." 

Rachid, pensive, sadly smiles and says, "Ah yes. They blow up too soon, don't they."


Now, aren't you ashamed you laughed?

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