Tuesday, August 30, 2005

#335 Bits and Pieces

My absolute all time favorite blog:  http://www.margaretcho.net/blog/blog.htm   She is intelligent, perceptive, and articulate.
T-shirt seen at the county fair:
Who are these kids,
And why do they keep calling me Mom?
I figured out why I had trouble sleeping Sunday night. 

The nightlight had burned out, and the bedroom was too dark.  How silly is that?

The nightlight is a very dim bulb on a light-sensitive switch, low on a side wall next to the bathroom door, behind some stuff, so it illuminates only a small section of the wall.  It's not visible from my pillow, so I was not aware it had burned out.  I guess I was subconsciously aware something wasn't right. 

Replaced the bulb last night.  Slept well. 



Anonymous said...

Yeah, gotta do it, no help for it,
sleep with one eye open. Exception,
when there's someone else in the bed
with you, someone empowered by you
to keep one of THEIR eyes open.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but that's Miss Thunderfoot.  SHE sleeps with one eye open, as all cats do.