Monday, August 29, 2005

#334 Sigh. Mope.

Sighing and moping around a lot today.  For some unknown reason I was completely unable to sleep last night.  I worked logic puzzles and crosswords in bed all night long while Miss Thunderfoot snored away beside me.

There was nothing in particular on my mind.  Every so often I'd turn the lights out and arrange the pillow and try to go to sleep, but the pillow just didn't feel comfortable, and I  felt too awake to go to sleep.  It rained hard all night, and I don't sleep well in rain, anyway.

I had hoped to be able to work on clearing more stuff out of the basement today and tomorrow, but now I'm just too tired.  If I'm going to want to allow visitors in the house any time before next summer, I have to get some of the tons of fabric and other supplies accumulated over the past two years, which have reduced the house to narrow pathways, sorted and packed and stowed in the basement, which means I have to get the basement cleared out BEFORE the snow starts.  I talked with The Hairless Hunk yesterday, and sometime in the next day or two he will drop off his hydraulic trailer for me to fill so we can take the stuff to the dump.  This load will be almost entirely paper, and most of it is already sorted and bagged, so It should go quickly.  But it will be heavy work.  Probably almost a half-ton.  (It is all recyclable, but it would overwhelm the local recycling centers.  Sad.)




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