Monday, November 7, 2005

#428 How to Lose Votes

Tomorrow is local election day.  I'll be so glad when it's over.  Every day for the past two weeks I've had at least two people knock on my front door, or, if I'm not home, leave paper (agh!  Paper!  More paper!) rubberbanded to the doorknob.

My mail has been two-thirds election flyers.

I get a minimum of six taped phone calls a day urging me to vote for so-and-so.  If they call and I don't pick up, there's a series of "hangup"s on the machine, which repeats over and over until either I get home and answer, or they fill the tape up, so I can't get real messages.  That has happened twice in the past week.

Ordinarily, even when I'm home, I let the machine answer before I pick up (it's not really screening, because if it's someone I know I always do respond regardless of who it is).  But the past few weeks, since I've been getting more calls from someone I want to hear from, I've been jumping to answer the phone more often.

Now I am very anxious to hear from him.  Yesterday and today, every time the phone rang, I leapt for it with hope that it's the right person, and when it's another taped candidate message, I am crushed.  More roller coasters.

A few minutes ago another representative of a candidate rang the doorbell, and tried to hand me paper for candidate X.  I looked at the photo on the card and said "Yes.  I've been getting LOTS of mail from her."  He had the grace to look crestfallen, and said "Yeah.  I was afraid of that."  I guess he's been getting an earful from people as annoyed as I.

He took his paper away with him.

Trash/recycle collection in this area is frightfully expensive.


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