Sunday, February 6, 2005

#134 The Pope

I've been sending good thoughts toward Rome the past few days.  I don't believe in the infallibility of the pope.  In fact at the higher level, I think the Roman Catholic Church is run by power-hungry money-grubbing snake oil peddlers, whose main goal is to keep men ignorant and women pregnant, expand their tax base, and hoard the world's treasures at the expense of their mostly poor parishioners - and that's when I'm feeling charitable toward them.  (Barbara Walters was asked what one question she would like to ask the Pope, and she said "What do you think Jesus would think of the way you dress?")   I agree with very little of what Pope John Paul II has said (in his official capacity) over the past 30+ years. 

But, on a personal level, I really do like the man himself.  I think he is honest and true. 

Back in the '70s, when the old long-term pope died and they had the election for a new one, you know, the black smoke/white smoke thing, I was disgusted by the whole process.  It was such a political thing.  All these guys campaigning and conniving and building alliances.  I complained to Ex#2 (who was not only a Jesuit-trained Catholic, but whom I suspect his mother had hoped would be a priest) that "God didn't get to vote!  If this guy is supposed to be God's emissary on Earth, what they ought to do is turn a dove loose, and the first person who got pooped on should be the new pope." 

Well, some guy finally won.

Within something like two weeks of his election, he suddenly dropped dead.

I turned to Ex#2 and said "How 'bout that!  God voted!!!"

(Well, has veto power....)  (Ex#2 was not amused.)

So I figure besides being a nice and courageous guy, Pope John Paul II is approved.

(I still don't believe he's infallible, though.  Just less dangerous than some others.)

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