Saturday, February 26, 2005

#168 Suicidal Governments Revisited

Back in entry #149, I mentioned the danger posed by fanatical suicidal governments.  One could think I was referring to one or two particular Persian Gulf countries.  

I wasn't.  I need to clear that up.

I was thinking mainly of theocracies, any and all.

Theocracies in general tend to be more willing to sacrifice people to a belief than democracies, or autocracies.  Democracies and autocracies (and almost any other form of government) are more interested in their own perpetuation than in ideas or principles.  They'll talk ideas, ideals, principles, but in the end self preservation rules - and that's good for the rest of us.

People and governments that are ruled by ideals above self preservation are scary.  They will sacrifice everything, themselves and us too, for an idea.

The US has been moving along the line closer and closer to a theocracy.  

Religion has been used in a cynical way to get votes, and it worked, and I'm afraid it will expand beyond control.

So it wasn't one or two countries that worry me - it's the trend.  If it leads to a repeat of the Crusades (in which, incidentally, religion was cynically used by poor countries to sack rich countries), that could be .... serious. 

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