Friday, February 25, 2005

#166 Mine, Mine, Mine! Go Away!

I have been quietly following several journals, and one by one, they've been disappearing - they go private, or the owner just stops writing.  Those who have given reasons usually cite the nasties, the crazies (in two cases, ex-spouses using multiple screennames), people who won't allow the writers their opinions, their lives (real or imagined), in short, the trolls. 

Several other journalers have stated angrily, or sadly, that "this is MY journal!  I'll do what I want with it!" in response to commenters who have set out to "expose" them, to tell them they are bad or stupid or liars.  That bugs me.  Why are some people so nasty?  So bitter?  Who takes joy in throwing rocks?  Why does it matter to them anyway?

I have solved part of the problem by not allowing comments, thus denying the crazies a billboard.   They will get no publicity here.

I also want to make it clear that all opinions express herein are MY opinions.  Only opinions - not necessarily statements of fact.  Keep in mind that they are opinions of the moment.  I might change them tomorrow.  In fact, it may not be my real opinion at the time I write  - I may be just "trying it on for size".  I am not now the same person I was five years ago, and I am not now the same person I will be in five years.  So relax.

If you don't like anything you read here, if you get nasty, if you "argue at" me - well, I have this obstinate aspect.  You'll only make me dig in my heels.   However - remember - alternate views respectfully offered for my consideration are appreciated, and will be considered.

If you don't like that, well, go away.

(P.S.  Yes, the previous entry is true AND a bad pun, both.)

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