Saturday, February 12, 2005

#143 Freudian Slip?

"Black History 2004 Year End (or "in"?) Review" is on the TV right now.  I glanced up and saw that Omarosa is on the panel, so I stopped watching - in my opinion she's an attention-hungry liar and an idiot with a good agent.  Any show that has her on is not worth my attention.  However, occasional statements still got through. 

They were discussing politics and how certain issues have polarized the country, particularly those that some consider moral issues and others consider religious issues (their divisions - I would say personal issues VS religious issues).  One woman, a former White House correspondent said "There's not a lot of gray matter in these issues..." and I whooped with joy.

I'm sure she meant "gray area ", but she was inadvertently perceptive. 

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