Tuesday, February 22, 2005

#162 Pretty Lady

There was a discussion program on PBS while I was washing dishes, so I wasn't paying attention, and I'm not going to look up what it was, but they were discussing the furor over the comments made recently by some guy at Harvard (I think) about how the paucity of women in math and science might be due to "innate differences", and I'm not going to go look him or the comment up, either.


One of the women interviewed was Virginia Valian, of Hunter College.  I glanced up and saw a woman with beautiful pure white shoulder-length straight hair, and whoa! the proud and powerful hard face of a stereotypical male indian chief!

I was fascinated, especially that she had obviously made an effort to be feminine and pretty, what with the gorgeous hair, the red beads, the lipstick, rouge, and contoured blue and pink eyeshadow, and the smooth well-modulated voice.  But Oh! That stern strong male face! 

And then she smiled, and she was suddenly pretty.  Amazing!  I never get over what a smile can do.

(I confess I still wanted to tweeze her eyebrows, though.)

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