Thursday, February 10, 2005

#139 Stardust

It's a droopy day outside today, but I don't much mind given the alternative.  Tuesday "they" were predicting 12 inches of snow today.  By Wednesday they had reduced it to 6 inches.  Today they say it passed us by.  I have to wonder who the turkeys are listening to - after several days of absence they're back, frantically digging up my front yard again. 


Valentine's Day is coming.  I love the little candy hearts with the sayings on them.  Before he died, Jay had decided that he would become pure energy and explore the universe.  When he died, my note to friends said that there was a new star.... 

The next Valentine's Day, four months after he left on his journey, I bought a bag of the little hearts.  I can't have a lot of sugar, so I always take no more than four or five out of the bag at a time, and a bag will usually last me about nine months. 

The most amazing thing happened.  In each and every handfull, at least one of them said "Stardust".  Every day until the bag was empty, I got a "Stardust".  I'd never seen "Stardust" before, and in the past two years' bags there hasn't been another. 

There is another journaler who has been listing the heart sayings.  So far, I haven't seen "Stardust" in his list.  I like to believe it was a special message to me.

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