Monday, October 17, 2005

#404 Google Name Game

Do a Google search on "[insert your first name] is".  It must be in quotes.   I did my first name and got:

Silk is loving, caring and loves children dearly
Silk is
very proud
Silk is
very well qualified
Silk is
committed to the core values
Silk is not only a Firefighter, but a very knowledgeable medic
Silk is well qualified, as a Certified Hypnotist
Silk is on the Board of Advisors of Fitness and Vitality magazines
Silk is recognized as a leading authority on fitness-related information
Silk: Is it?
Silk is the erotic and lethal female 
Silk is a real "teacher's" teacher
Silk is immoral and treacherous
Silk is, like all femme fatales, beautiful and alluring
Silk is sympathetic and appreciative
Silk is often aware of people's secret motives
Silk is like a sponge waiting for water everywhere she looks
Silk is now adventuring into more high-end materials
Silk is so seductively alluring that men would risk anything
Silk is the success coach
Silk is an entrepreneur at heart
Silk is a great source of knowledge
Silk is ready to crawl under the table and hide
Silk is killed at the end of the movie

It would appear that others with my given name tend to be accomplished, dependable, alluring, and seductive.  And dead.

So then of course I had to do Daughter.  I got:

Daughter is up on crutches now
Daughter is currently editing fifty short stories
Daughter is the one with the muscles
Daughter is located only a few minutes from all
Daughter is very prevalent
Daughter is a delightful historical romance
Daughter is ... 18
Daughter is "turning Japanese"
Daughter is a gifted vocalist
Daughter is learning to communicate her feelings and direct her anger and/or jealousy
Daughter is in a bind
Daughter is a role model
Daughter is more fragile than others
Daughter is annoying and not a help
Daughter is my wife
Daughter is skilled in various vibrational healing methods
Daughter is well known for her tireless work
Daughter is organizing a charity
Daughter is a short hairless undershrub
The fat chick is stupid; Daughter is not.
Daughter is an experienced trades woman
Daughter is now dating
Daughter is an avid adventure traveller
Daughter is said to be stained with the blood of clan wars
Daughter is thought to bring rain
Daughter is settled into the hole
Daughter is awesome!
Daughter is wholly unique
Daughter is mostly at a plateau now

People with Daughter's name apparently tend to be strong, active, passionate, and multifacited.

Ok, now I can't resist checking out the latest candidate for my affections:

He is the protagonist
He is a layer
He is a fun loving, easy going guy, with a love for climbing in the pine trees with his squirrel friends
He is losing it
He is responsible
He is at least 104
He is dazzled by one amazing sight after another
He is who he says he is
He is busy preparing for winter
He is one of those movies where nobody is sure who is on their side
He is okay
He is very interested and fascinated
He is talking
He is a big fan of dance music
He is invited to play brass tuba
He is a true genius
He is brilliant
He is currently writing songs
He is ultimately so desperate
He is my darling
He is their darling
He is noncommittal
He is up to his old two-timing tricks again

Hmmm.  People with this name are mostly interesting, fascinating, fun, and ultimately not trustworthy.   Sounds about right....




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