Friday, October 28, 2005

#416 Birthday Done

Lots of cards and enotes, a romantic dinner and evening, lots of phone messages when I got home this ... ahem ... afternoon.  Daughter says some stinky stuff is waiting for my next visit, and I got a perfect white cotton robe from a friend (the trim on it just happens to match his.  All together now --- Awwww....)  I also treated myself to a bunch of Coldwater Creek travel knits and two gorgeous Egyptian hooded thobes.  This is fun.  Maybe I'll have another birthday next month.

I picked up some cards in the mail yesterday, on the way back from the grocery store, and I opened them at the bottom of the driveway.  One of them was a bit odd - there was a painting of a deer on the front, and inside, the sender had written "All these deer are here to wish you a Happy Birthday."  ALL these deer?  Then I drove up the driveway, and a doe ran across the lawn and right in front of the van.  A second deer ran across a little further up.  When I pulled in front of the house and turned the motor off, a third deer came out of the patch of woods between my house and the neighbor's, and peered curiously at the van as she sauntered across the lawn.

I'm gonna have to call that woman and ask her how she managed to arrange that!

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