Sunday, October 23, 2005

#409 The Bachelorette Bash (or, The Pixie's Naughty Night Out)

I went to The Pixie's bachelorette party this evening.  Just got home - at 4:05 am.  It's amazing how fast you can get from New Paltz to Kingston on the Thruway at 85-90 mph!  (Very uncharacteristic for me, I rarely speed, but there was no other traffic.)

We started with dinner.  There was the bride, the bridesmaids, and me.  And the groom, the Dark Prince.  He was defensive about his being there, but what the hey, he has to eat, too, I guess.

Then we went back to their apartment so folks could change.  The Dark Prince is an artist, and there were several of his paintings on the walls.  Many were of well-endowed semi-nudes.   I now know what his initial attraction to The Pixie was!  Woohoo!

We were going to a dance club, and having not been to anything like that in decades, I had asked Daughter what I should wear.  She said to wear outrageous jewelry (there's that phrase again - do I have a rep for outrageous jewelry?), black clothing rather than white, and to be sure to wear a black bra so it wouldn't show through in blacklight.  Well, my current favorite bras don't come in black.  Besides, they are a marvel of ingenuity and engineering, so if it did show through, people could just admire its construction.  So there.  (Disappointingly, it didn't.)

The Pixie and one of her attendants changed into Fairy costumes, complete with wings.  The Gypsy wore gypsy bellydance regalia.  Boy, did I feel stogy in my black lycra slacks and sleeveless turtleneck.  If I had known, I would have worn the coin dress I bought last weekend at Rakkasah!  It's transparent black gauze with embroidery and coins all down the front and long pointed sleeves.

So off we went, at about 11 pm,  to what advertises itself as the largest dance club in the county.  I don't know about largest, but it was certainly the loudest!   About mid-evening I stuffed bits of napkin in my ears. 

The Gypsy danced a lot.  I admire her stamina.  The Pixie taught me how to do a 3/4 shimmy. 

We seemed to have found the gay and tranny center of the county - I think they might have outnumbered the straights.  One woman really went after The Gypsy big time.  (I remember that action from drunken businessmen in Chicago in the '70s - it was exactly the same.)  The dancing Gypsy was polite until the woman got much too free with her hands.  It was so loud there that you couldn't hear anyone unless they got right up close and shouted in your ear, so there was a lot of pantomime.  I about cracked up when I saw Gypsy holding out her left hand to the woman and pointing rather violently at the ring on her third finger.  The woman then moved on to The Pixie.  Who was quickly defended by a closing circle of attendants.  Like a herd of musk oxen defending the calves.

I had thought I wouldn't be able to stay long because of the noise and activity (I don't like crowds), but watching the people and the interactions was so much fun, I (and the napkins waving from my ears) helped the girls to close the place down.  The Gypsy was concerned about my driving home (the Dark Prince came at a call to take everyone else home) because she noticed I'd had a drink in my hand all evening.  What she didn't know is that it was the same drink all evening.  I just kept adding water to it.

I had wanted to go around and tell people it was The Pixie's bachelorette party, and have them all kiss her on the cheek and wish her happiness, but you can't tell the sane people from the weirdos until AFTER they've spilled their drink, or slobbered, all down your front (and The Pixie had a LOT of exposed frontage) so I didn't.

Now I wish I had.

Ah well.  An experience.  I do hope The Pixie enjoyed it.

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