Saturday, June 4, 2005

#235 Adventures of a Drum Slut

Norton says everything is fine.  Sometimes I wonder about my mind.


I wore my

Drum Slut T-shirt Scan

t-shirt to the mini-Renn Faire today.   A lot of people liked it.  "Wow!  You got one?  Neat!" 

One woman asked what it meant.  I said "It means I like to drum with anyone, any time, anywhere."  She seemed to think "drum" was an S&M term.  I had to show her the back,

Back of Drum Slut T-shirt

where it illustrates the hand positions, and drum on my knee - doum doum tek ka tek doum tek ka tek tek ka doum doum tek ka tek ... - until she got it. 

Later, I went to the bookstore in the village, to a cafe for dinner, then to the grocery store.  I got a lot of double-takes (a guy coming out of the bookstore as I was going in almost fell down the steps) and stares, but no comments or questions.  I guess one has to choose carefully where one wears it.


TV Guide is constantly rhapsodizing about how many women are swooning over this guy or that guy on Lost - the same three men over and over (ok TV Guide.  We got it.  Give it a rest.)   Well, in an earlier entry I said my taste in men is unusual.  I think the sexiest guy on that show is NOT the three they keep pushing on us.  I like the Korean guy.  Both the character (strong but vulnerable) and the actor (handsome). 

~~ Silk

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