Wednesday, June 22, 2005

#268 Missed Opportunities

I made sure I was in bed last night by 2 am because I wanted to be up and moving by 10 am today.  At 9 am I was awakened from a beautiful dream by the doorbell.  I waited for a few seconds before getting up, because if it's a package delivery, they ring the bell and then I hear the truck leaving.  But whoever it was didn't leave.  Oh, foo, a package I have to sign for.

I went to the door in my sleeping t-shirt and scraggly hair, and it was the religious pamphlet folks.  Now, understand, I think they are very nice people, and I wouldn't mind having them as friends or neighbors or even in-laws, but I resent their implication that whatever my religious beliefs are, they're aren't good enough, so I'd really rather they didn't ring my bell, especially when I'm in the middle of a dream involving a cross between Jimmy Smitts, George Clooney, and a large portion of "The Doms of Navarone".

My old coworkers should immediately know who I mean by "The Doms of Navarone".  I've had a 20-year .... (I was about to say "crush", but it's not like a crush, I never had the urge to actually like TOUCH him or anything, but I've always just loved looking at him, looking at him and talking to him always left me with a three-hour glow, even when I was secretly in love with Jay, the difference being that with Jay I wanted to hug him and protect him and lean into him and be protected, whereas The Doms was just awfully nice to look at, very sexy, especially that bald spot on the back of his head and his deep brown eyes, and a nice person, too, so not "crush", but something else) ... on him.

So after telling the pamphlet folks "I'm asleep.  Goodbye." I figured I still had an hour until planned get up time, and I could try to get back to the dream.

Four hours later....

Woke again at 2 pm.  The day is shot, and I didn't manage to get back into the dream, either.  Fooey.  We were working for The Company as a cover, but we were actually spies and jewel thieves, and falling in love, and about to hit a fancy dress ball.  Would have been fun.  Sorry I missed it.

~~ Silk

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