Tuesday, June 7, 2005

#240 Poor Kitty, and a Few Rants

Miss Thunderfoot went to the vet this morning.  She embarrassed herself terribly by piddling in the carrier.  A LOT!  When we tipped the carrier up to get her out, it poured out all over the table, the floor, and the vet's shoes.  Three hand towels worth. 

She got a whole bunch of vaccines.  We got home from the vet at 11:15 am, and she immediately ran off to hide and pout.  I left the house to run some errands at about 3:30 without having seen her since morning.  I got home at 6:30, and was surprised when she didn't greet me at the door, especially since it was past her dinnertime.  I called and looked everywhere.  I even opened the pantry and cat food can very slowly and loudly.  No Thunder.  She should have been climbing up my leg.

I finally found her curled up in a crowded corner of the bedroom.  She was very hot.  A fever.  The vet closed at 6. 

I think this is normal after the vaccines, but ... so hot!  I've been checking her every so often, and she seems a little less hot now, and a little more responsive. 

I feel guilty for having left her alone for so long.  I should have known to watch her.


Well, there were no tornados yesterday.  The weather guys were so excited about a tornado I was afraid they'd wet their pants.  They had been showing fancy maps showing the wind directions - "See, it's moving this way here, and the opposite direction here, and it's forming a circle, flowing around the circle, and that's ideal conditions for the formation of a tornado, and it's moving this direction (drawing lines on map), so people in the area of route x should go to their basements..."  Over and over.  They got to where a tornado wasn't a possibility any more, but a certainty, like they'd actually SEEN the durn thing.  I believe I heard the words "has touched down in the area of..." at one point.

I was looking at the map and thinking, uh, yeah, when ya got yer high, and ya got yer low, the wind moves from the high to the low in a backward s-shape, which circles the low and rises, and that's the classic thunderstorm machine.  That circle they're looking at was more than 10 miles wide.  And there was only one circle, moving slowly and smoothly to the northeast.  That ain't a tornado machine.  I thought tornado machines were perturbations in the big circle(s).  Well, they must see something I don't, and they just aren't telling me about it.  Simplify for the audience, and all that.

Yeah.  I'm gullible.  Present yourself as an expert and I'll believe you, even though my head says different.  Until I think about it alone.  Now I wonder what was going on in their heads.

The last time they were all hopping around yelling tornado was when the stone wall of a church blew in.  I guess they figured it had to be a tornado because it was a stone wall.  But, uh, if it were a tornado, wouldn't the wall have blown OUT?  Not in?  Lower pressure in the tornado, higher in the church, etc.?  Some disaster relief guys came from Washington, and said no, no tornado.  Just strong straight-line winds and a weak wall.  They looked confused as to why they had been called in.

I guess the local guys are starving for excitement.  They see a bear behind every tree.  I have to wonder where they got their training.  A friend recently said that they are the only folks who can be consistently (wildly!) wrong, and still get paid.

Oh - no nickel-sized hail, either.  One small area got some peas.  Bad wind, though, trees and wires down all over up there.


I accidentally neutered my mouse last night.  The cursor wouldn't move left, so I figured there might be some lint in there, so I popped the ball out and put it on the desk while I cleaned the socket.  I saw the ball roll and heard it hit the floor, and then it dropped into a black hole or something.  I finally located an old mouse on a shelf, and performed a transplant.  Thank goodness it was a genetic match.  Brothers, but not twins.


There's a commercial I hate.  It says "Enjoy being a woman" then urges me to use a product which gets rid of those nasty things that make me a woman.  How can an ad that wants me to despise my natural body have the gall to ... ech!


I keep finding more lightbulbs to count.  Add 8 flashlight bulbs.  Grand total = 103.


~~ Silk

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