Thursday, June 16, 2005

#256 Good News (Dump) and Bad (County Fair)

The hairless hunk dropped off the trailer this morning for me to fill.  He'll be back Saturday morning to pick it up and take it to the dump. 

It's a really nifty trailer.  It's as big as my third bedroom, on four wheels kind of bunched under the middle so it will track well, and best of all, it has a hydraulic lift so you can dump the contents while it's still hitched to the truck.  Cool.


I am annoyed with the county fair folks.  I have wanted to enter some things in the needlework category for years.  Three years ago I didn't know how.  Two years ago I watched the newspaper, but never saw any kind of notice about submitting entries.  Last year I found out who to call and called early, and they promised to send me the entry forms.  They didn't.  By the time I called to see if it was time yet, it was too late, and I got REALLY angry when the afghan that won first prize was similar to one I wanted to enter, but not as intricate or well made as mine.  Plus, hers was a bought pattern, lacy squares, and the designs repeated.  Mine is totally original, and every rectangle is unique.  (Daughter - the lightweight one made of gray and beige lace rectangles, alternating crocheted and knitted.)

So, the rules book and entry forms arrived the other day.  First you send the forms and entry fee in, and then the articles must be dropped off during a 2-hour window on such-and-such a day, a Saturday.

That day happens to be three days before I return from Hawaii.  In big red letters a half inch high - 

The judging is the next day, Sunday.

I am SO angry I could spit! 

I can't think of anyone right off that I can ask to take it in for me.  Everyone works, so their Saturdays are important to them, they live too far away from the fairgrounds, or they are frankly undependable.  Plus, if any questions are asked about the materials or construction that I can't anticipate, no one else would be able to answer. 

As my mother would have said, "S**t, piss, and coooorrrruption!"

Oh well.  This may work out for the best.  They may not want to select lace square afghans two years in a row (or that's all they'll be getting for the next few years "Ooo, they like that kind..."), so if I have to wait until next year, I may have a better showing.  Unlike Montgomey County, this fair doesn't insist that the article had to have been made within the past year. 


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