Saturday, June 18, 2005

#261 Gone to the Dump!

Well, it's gone!  I went along to see where it went and what the procedures were, and it was pretty interesting.  The place we went is a transfer station.  I don't know where the actual landfill is.  I also don't know why they call it "resource recovery".  Seems like there's precious little actual recovering going on.

I'm full of energy today.  I want to get downstairs and cut up boxes.  I've been emptying boxes into garbage bags, so even though the basement still looks chock full, a good portion is empty cardboard boxes.   If I cut them up and stack them, I will actually see floor.  And make some room for more sorting.  I want to get to it!  That would be SO nice!

But my back is rebelling.  It wants a pot of tea, a book, and a bubble bath.  I've learned that what my back wants, my back gets, or it gets nasty and punishes me.  The tub is filling and the teapot is steeping "as we speak".

~~ Silk

P. S. , A little later - I was just looking at the photos in entry #258, number 10 in particular, and looking at the picture, I could hear the creek..  That got me thinking - the english word is "creek", but the creek says  says "crickle crickle crickle".  It's fitting that in many mountain areas it's called a "crick".

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