Tuesday, June 21, 2005

#267 That House

Another journaler has mentioned a house that fascinates her, but she doesn't know why.

When I lived in Highland, I passed a house every day that had a similar effect on me.  It was on the side of a hill, back from the road.  Yellow.  A peaked center portion with wings set back on either side, and a porch that crossed the front and wrapped around both sides.  Not a particularly interesting or objectively attractive house, but for some reason it fascinated me. 

I'd never get a chance to see what it looked like inside, because it was on monastery grounds, and was being used for a retreat or rest home for priests, or something. 

One day I went to a craft fair, and found some beautifully detailed little handmade boxes, made like houses.  Lift the roof off to put stuff in.  One of the boxes looked exactly like that house!  Color, peaks, angles, doors, windows, even the trim on the porch.  It's possible the artist had copied local houses, but I don't know why he'd have chosen this particular one.  Nothing special about it.

I bought several of the boxes, including that house, and sent them to my mother to use under her Christmas tree.

I got an immediate phone call.  She wanted to know why I had sent her THAT house.  Why did I pick that particular box to include?  Turns out she had been dreaming of that house for decades.  Every time she had a dream that involved a house, it was that house.  It was not a house she wanted to live in.  She had no feelings about it, negative or positive. 

No, she had never seen the real house I passed every day.  She visited me only once while I was living there, and would have noticed it if she had seen it.  Plus, she'd been dreaming about it long before I moved there.

When she described the setting in her dreams - on the side of a small hill, back from the road, sloping lawn, trees behind - it matched perfectly.



Nerd - In idle moments, wonders if one could actually make a Star Wars light saber;  what obstacles must be overcome to make it possible.  Wears white socks with black shoes.  Thinks cell phones are a silly affectation.

Geek - Thinks a light saber from the toy store is the perfect Christmas gift for everyone.   Uses software to organize his socks;  wears socks with sandals.  Proudly wears a genuine Star Trek communicator.

Dork - Buys a light saber and loses it on the way home.  Wears mismatched socks, or forgets to put them on.  Carries a mysterious paper bag around with him.

Metrosexual - Thinks a light saber is what his hairdresser cuts his hair with. Searches for socks with "name" designer labels visible.   Eagerly awaits a cell phone small enough to permanently implant in his ear.

~~ Silk

Above link:  http://journals.aol.com/plieck30/Iwantedtobeacowgirl/entries/1297

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