Saturday, September 3, 2005

#341 Saturday Six - Episode 73


From 'pattboy92' at Patrick's Place, the famous Saturday Six:

1. What is the price of gas at your regular station?   
I didn't look yesterday, but Thursday morning in the village it was $3.699, and I heard that it was $3.999 at another station down the road.
Have you made any changes to holiday plans because of gas prices?

No changes.  Bite the bullet and all that.

2. Some people feel that the song that was #1 when they were born somehow helps shape their life.  Which song was #1 when you were born, according to  this site

I was forced to choose the 18th birthday option, and got "Monster Mash", by Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt Kickers.
Do you think it relates to your life at all?
Dear God I hope not!

3. Take this
quiz:  Which child does it say you are?  Is it correct about your birth order?
It says only child.  I am actually the eldest of five.

De:  What animal do you equate your spirit with and why?  (This site 
may be helpful.)
My first thought was Cougar or Wolf, but when I read up on them I realized they didn't fit.  I read the "How To", and chose Deer.  Deer have always been a large and actively communing presence throughout my life.  Then I did the exercises in the "How To", and discovered that today, and for the past few months at least, it is Spider.  Spider is a very powerful totem, and a bit frightening, but spiders have been coming to me lately.  You can't simply choose a totem, and say "That's nice, I like that one."  Your totem comes to you, and over the past two months, spiders have been coming to me BIG TIME.  I remarked the other day that I wondered what was going on - July was too early for them to be moving indoors for the winter.... 

Scary totems.  I went to an Iroquois festival once, and I was stranding there almost in a trance brought on by a powerful drum ritual, when a very old man in tribal dress walked up to me and startled me by putting his hands on my shoulders.  He stared into my eyes for a moment, then ran his hands down my arms and picked up my hands, and said that I had power in my hands, and I must use them wisely.  Then he turned around and walked away.  I burst into tears, because Jay had died only a few months before, and my hands hadn't been able to help him.  I wanted to ask someone who the old man was, but I couldn't find him.

It frightens me that spiders are coming to me again.

:  If you had to describe your personality as a nut (as in the eatable kind) what nut would you be and why?
Brazil nut.  Very difficult to open without destroying, but worth the trouble.

:   Who knows the "real" you better - - your real world friends or your Jland readers?
My friends know only what I show them.  Journal readers have seen what's under the covers. 

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