Thursday, September 22, 2005

#373 Cleaning Out

I have given up waiting for the trailer.  I went to the hardware store and bought huge plastic dropcloths, which I am going to spread on the lawn, and I'm going to start clearing out onto them.  I'll cover the pile with more plastic to keep the rain and wind off.  It can stay there all winter for all I care.  Just so it's out!   It'll make a mess of the grass (what little of the herbage out there is grass), but I've got to start making room so I can sort what stays. 

I'm getting serious about this.  There's so much sheer crap that I don't even have room to sort and stow what I want to keep.  I was looking at the junk on the bathroom counter this morning, and there's actually mousse there.  Mousse?  I don't remember ever using mousse!  And even if I ever did, it would have been when my hair was short, and I don't plan on having short hair again anytime soon, if ever.

I am being buried in junk and especially paper.  I don't understand (there it is again - that phrase) why there's so much paper.  If I don't make it to the recycle center two Saturdays in a row, by the third week I have eight grocery bags packed full of paper.  Every year I call all these catalog companies and have my name taken off their mailing lists, and within three months I'm back on.  Every day I carry twelve to fifteen items up from the mailbox, of which one or two envelopes and one magazine might be important.  The rest goes straight into the recycle bags without even being opened.  I have seriously considered putting some kind of container right next to the mailbox.  I haven't been to the recycle center in at least two months now. 

I got a serious hurt on.  I can't move in the kitchen.  I can't open the lower cabinet doors because of the bags of paper in front of them, so stuff is piling up on the counters.

This is in addition to what's in the basement - Jay saved every bit of paper that ever slid past him. 

Out!  Out!  All of it!  Begone foul crap!


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