Tuesday, September 27, 2005

#380 Tree Progress, the Red Chevy

The Hairless Hunk cut up the downed trees this afternoon.  He took away the big pieces, and all the smaller branches are now in a burn pile in the front yard.  I'll need to get a burn permit tomorrow (I hope they'll give me one - it may have been too dry the past several weeks for an open burn).

He's the guy I sold the Chevy to last year.  He says he experienced the "rain problem" only once, on the Thruway, and his theory is that when there's water on the road AND you're going fast, spray gets sucked up into the air intake, and that's what causes the problem.  Driving the local roads in the rain, at lower speeds, he hasn't seen it.  Come to think of it, when I had all the problems was when Jay was getting treatment in Albany and in Staten Island, and I was driving a lot on major highways.  Sounds good.  Except that it still doesn't explain why changing the sparkplug wires would fix it.   Oh, well.  As long as he's happy.

In fact, he's very happy with it.  The gas mileage on it is still fantastic.  He says his truck gets less than 10 mpg, so being able to use the Chevy for everything else is a lifesaver.  He said, "In fact, if I weren't so sweaty and dirty right now I'd hug you for it."

I'm ashamed to say I looked him up and down and speculated a bit.  After all, I was wearing my grungies ... hmmmm.  Tempting, but he's for looking at, not touching.  Tsk. 

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