Saturday, September 3, 2005

#342 Saturday Night on the Town

Went to an art gallery opening tonight, to see the Twisted Tassels Tribal Troupe, who were to dance there.  The art was scary.  It seemed to have a heavy influence from the allegorical triptychs of Hieronymous van Aken, a.k.a. Bosch, without (thank God) the detail.  The artist is also a poet, and his poetry resonated more fully.

The dancers put on a good show.  There were only three from the troupe, but three was the ideal number for the space.  They did several enjoyable numbers.

I met up with some people there, and afterward we went to dinner at a Puerto Rican place.   The conversation was heavily mid-eastern dance and renaissance/gypsy faire and drums and rituals.  I've been missing that.

It was a pleasant evening.


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