Wednesday, September 7, 2005

#350 The Needle

The needle I found on my walk on Sunday is still in the clear plastic pocket on the outside of the little bag I carry on my walks (I have no pockets in my clothing).  I see it every time I walk past the front door.

I am an intelligent woman.  On IQ tests, I score (and I understand that scores have nothing to do with actual performance, only potential) higher than 90% of the members of Mensa.  I reason well.  I am a reasonable person.  So why do I have these odd things going on in my head all the time?

I have a strong urge to suspend the needle (it must be THAT needle) on a long silk thread (it MUST be red silk) over a sheet of paper (it MUST be white) divided into four sections, with a word in each section.  The sheet of paper must be taped or otherwise fastened to a flat surface.  The needle is to be suspended over the exact center of the paper, where the sectioning lines meet.   This urge comes from a picture that has been forming in the back of my mind for the past two days.  I didn't make the picture!  It just came.  Dimly at first, but it has been growing stronger and clearer.  I can't make out the words on the paper yet, but I suspect two of them will be "yes" and "no".

But what is the question?

If someone or something is trying to tell me something, there are simpler ways to do it.  If you can send me a material needle, and put a picture in my head of what to do with it, then certainly you are capable of  putting in my head whatever it is you want me to know in nice clear words or sounds I can understand, without all the mystery and rigmarole.   (My silk thread is buried in containers under other containers, and I probably have red but please don't make me go look, she whines....)

  In the meantime, I await further instruction. 

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